The Drag Jeep

In the fall of 1992, W.J. Mouat auto instructor Richard Johnson decided to stop construction of an Eagle Talon drag car to pursue a quicker and cheaper alternative.....a Jeep YJ dragster!!! The Talon project was going to be too large and expensive of a project to complete and since the Jeep was the same wheel base and physical size, the parts were easily swapped over to the new project. It took a year and a half to complete the Jeep and have it ready for the first race at Mission in 1994. <<<<<<<<<<<<<< More to come >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

                Jeep YJ Construction Pictures
      1992 Jeep YJ
      1980 Jeep Wagoneer
      1993 Jeep Grand Cherokeer
      1990 Eagle Talon
      1992 Eagle Talon

The Electrathon "mini" Jeep

In the fall of 1998, CAD Instructor Dave Liversidge organized a group of students to design, build, and race an electric car. They looked at several designs using a borrowed wind tunnel to test. <<<<<<<<<<<<<< More to come >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

                Electrathon "mini" Jeep Construction Pictures
Electric Jeep